Ecs 210 Reading Responses

Week 3- History of education

I am unsure where I messed up, but I have 2 week 3 posts. This post is the reading response. This book was really interesting to me. I am really interested in history and historical documents. Reading this, I always try to picture myself in this time with the way they write, talk, dress and live. This book was written in 1886. It is hard to imagine how these times must have been. By reading, it seemed as if everything was foreign and highschool education was prestigious. 


In this textbook, I think race is viewed as rehabilitation. Teachers were taught to think in racial terms. I am unsure really what this means with connection to the reading. Personally, I believe back in 1886, white was viewed as good students who are there to learn, and people of colour were viewed as people who may be ‘savage’, or uneducated and need to be ‘rehabilitated’ into society.

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